Tuesday, February 27, 2007

congressional testimony

This afternoon I testified about service and volunteerism in America for the senate sub-committee on healthy families and communities. To be honest the proceedings were uneventful. I was disappointed that Dennis Kucinich didn’t show. Also had to note that all but one of the Republicans (Rep. Plats [R-PA]) didn’t show. High point for me was Rep. Plats telling me that I’d been raised right (wording mine in case you couldn’t tell. You don’t win congressional elections in York talking like that).
Think I’d have more to say about a once in a life time event? Nope. I had more fun riding. The weather has been gorgeous for the past week with exception of the snow day last Sunday. I’ve been putting in a lot of miles and realized yesterday as I climbed the hill to my house that I’ve been putting too much pressure on my hands. I woke up this morning with that dull numbness in my hands that we all know all too well. Lesson relearned-keep weight off the hands!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

the weather has been amazing for the past two days. Springtime air was a welcome reprieve from the ice of the past week. it's made work pleasant and gives me something to look forward to (april.)
i saw a nasty crash on penn ave at 15th, on the treasury side of the white house. i stopped to make sure the guy was ok. he was on the ground tangled up in his bike and jumped up screaming at the secret service. as i rode off one agent was pointing his finger in his face yelling "i don't care if you're hurt or not. if you don't shut up and leave right now you're going to jail!" crash and then go to jail. not a good morning.
i'm working on my testamony. check it http://edworkforce.house.gov/committee/schedule.shtml

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Gilman and Peru Illinois

Instead of going to work today-where i get to make money riding my bike-i stayed home to work on securing hosts for the bike and build group. my plan was to secure seven hosts and then go to the bookstore, maybe sometime around 11. needless to say, this is alot harder than i'd anticipated. even still, i'm am happy to say that we are (tentively) staying at st. paul lutheran church on north thomas street in gilman, il and st. joseph's catholic church on 5th street in peru, il. there is also a very good chance that we have a place to stay in coeur d'alene, wa. no comfirmation yet because bob, the contact person, was on his bike when i called. a very good sign.
after a few hours at the computer and on the phone i took my fixie out for some fun.

Monday, February 19, 2007

presidents day

today is presidents day and it turned out to be my slowest day ever at work. seven runs, two of which were attempts. by the end of the day i was the only bike courier from the squad still on. also a first.

i did get a chance to change out my cassette and, along with the new chain that i put on saturday night, my drive chain is freakin' sweet. i love the feel of new components-instead of the loud, skipping chain i had i now have a quiet, smooth ride. well, as quiet as an old peice of junk can be.

i've been watching spike lees' documentary when the leeves broke. i recommend it to everyone, especially all the bike and builders out there. i would post a link but i don't know how. help is welcomed.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

first blog

at the urging of my friend jack, i am going to start a blog to tell stories of my adventures on and off the bike. they may not always be exciting but i'm going to write anyway. i'm hoping to use this to document time with bike and build, but chances are i'm going to forget how to log in and will never write again. here it goes!