Tuesday, February 27, 2007

congressional testimony

This afternoon I testified about service and volunteerism in America for the senate sub-committee on healthy families and communities. To be honest the proceedings were uneventful. I was disappointed that Dennis Kucinich didn’t show. Also had to note that all but one of the Republicans (Rep. Plats [R-PA]) didn’t show. High point for me was Rep. Plats telling me that I’d been raised right (wording mine in case you couldn’t tell. You don’t win congressional elections in York talking like that).
Think I’d have more to say about a once in a life time event? Nope. I had more fun riding. The weather has been gorgeous for the past week with exception of the snow day last Sunday. I’ve been putting in a lot of miles and realized yesterday as I climbed the hill to my house that I’ve been putting too much pressure on my hands. I woke up this morning with that dull numbness in my hands that we all know all too well. Lesson relearned-keep weight off the hands!


Alex said...

Props on your testimony...you should definitely post your prepared statement on this blog. It was from the heart and I dug it.

Keep on bikin

Brianne said...

now that i've taught you how to post links, here's how you post a comment:

under each post, there's a link to a "comments" section. this post had a link that said "1 comments" (i know, i know), so i clicked on that and it brought me to a page with a text box titled "leave your comment".

i'm leaving one. here.

now, since i'm already logged in on blogger, i don't have to do anything else. but you might have to use your blogger name and password to log in first. then, on my blog, there's a text box for word verification. in the text box, type the letters and numbers exactly as you see them in the funky box. then click on "publish your comment".


Brianne said...
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